Landlord fined £12,000 for 14 offences
Posted on April 2, 2014 by Walton & Allen
A landlord in the West Midlands has been ordered to pay fines of £12,000 after pleading guilty to 14 offences including not being licensed as a private landlord.
Latif Rehman of Dudley also pleaded guilty to failing to ensure that fire escapes were free from obstruction and that fixtures, fittings and electrical appliances were safely maintained. He was fined £6,000 for not being licensed and £400 each for the remaining 13 offences. Rehman also had to pay £725 in costs and a £120 victim surcharge.
A spokesman for Dudley council said that, “This prosecution should act as a reminder to all private landlords to ensure they are properly licensed and their properties kept in a good state. If landlords don’t manage properties properly they are putting peoples’ lives at risk and we will not hesitate to take these matters through the courts.”
At Walton & Allen, we take our duty of care to tenants extremely seriously, because we know that people’s lives could be at risk. We ensure that all of our landlords are properly licensed and we go to great lengths to keep all of the properties we manage in first class condition.
To make sure that maintenance and repairs are carried out quickly and efficiently, we don’t contract this out to anyone else. Because it’s so important to our landlords and their tenants, we have our own in-house maintenance people available any time of day or night.

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