Heavy fine for rogue landlord
Posted on December 29, 2014 by Walton & Allen
A landlord has had to pay £13,775 in fines and costs after being prosecuted by his local council for failing to comply with HMO regulations.
Daniel Philpott of Paignton in Devon pleaded not guilty to 17 offences of failing to comply with The Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Additional Provisions) (England) Regulations 2007, at two HMOs he owned in the seaside town.
However, after looking at the evidence, magistrates found him guilty of 14 of the offences. He had broken the regulations over fire and electrical safety, security and general lack of maintenance – all caused, claimed the council, by his mismanagement.
The local authority also said that there were nowhere near enough inspections, and that Philpott had an, “unwillingness to engage effectively with Torbay Council” which resulted in tenants “being exposed to unsafe conditions and the properties having a detrimental impact on local residents.”
This is only the latest in a number of prosecutions carried out by Torbay Council. In fact, across the UK many more cases like this are going to court as part of the so-called Rogue Landlords Programme, which is being operated by local police, the Immigration Service and other statutory bodies.
It’s because of landlords like Daniel Philpott that we carry out stringent checks on all of the landlords who want us to let their properties. Only then can we be sure that their properties will be properly managed in line with all relevant regulations, and more importantly, that their tenants will be safe.

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